PFLAG does more than you may realize!
Monthly support meetings are what pflag is known best for proving but what you may not know is our local London pflag also aids youth and families in several ways, from transportation to clothing assistance.
In order to do this, pflag counts on the support of the local community from financial contributions to volunteers & item donations.
There are a variety of ways to support pflag London On Chapter.
Monthly Meeting
Whether you’re an 2SLGBTQIA+ person who is “coming out” to family & friends, or a parent who has learned that your child is gay, we’re here for you. Learn more.
Become A Volunteer
We are always happy to welcome new volunteers to pflag. Opportunities can include, assisting with events, fundraising, and so much more. Contact us for more details.
Support pflag by Donation
We welcome both financial and item donations. To donate directly to the local pflag chapter get in touch with us today!